Tree Nursery

In response to the growing climate change and biodiversity challenges there is an increasing community desire to plant trees which we would like to support. As a result we have set up a tree nursery and when fully established will make 1,500 trees available each year.
The nursery will focus on native species derived from the Gift to Nature sites. We currently have a variety of saplings and seeds collected from our sites to include oak, hazel, rowan, silver birch, hawthorn and hornbeam.
The aim is to provide enough trees to replace any trees which fall or have to be felled on our Gift to Nature sites, support partner and community tree planting initiatives such as the Queen’s Green Canopy and help individuals to plant trees – in exchange for a donation to Gift to Nature.
The Gift to Nature planting guide
We have produced a planting guide to make sure trees have the best chance of survival. You can download it by clicking here.