A little about…
What We Do
- Look after countryside and green spaces on the Isle of Wight.
- Help people improve land they manage.
- Run lots of interesting and fun events.
- Promote routes to access the countryside.
- Look after special habitats and species.
- Advise people about how to do these things themselves.
Find out more…
About Gift To Nature
The Project
Gift to Nature is the Isle of Wight’s local countryside management project.
Gift to Nature is passionate about the Isle of Wight’s wildlife, countryside and open spaces, from our famous red squirrels to obscure tiny rare bees. Since 2002 we have created and cared for a variety of green spaces both in towns and countryside, right across the Island.
A project of local charity Natural Enterprise, in 2016 we took on the management of most of the Isle of Wight Council’s countryside estate, to add to our own existing Gift to Nature sites. This means we now have even more countryside and green spaces all around the Island. Some sites are wider open spaces such as Brading Down, whilst others are small, urban oasis. All are important to local people.
You might find something a bit different
Many of our sites feature local art, from carved picnic benches to a scrap-metal sculpture. We invite local craftsmen and artists to help add something special to what nature (and our conservation workers) have provided. We want to share our lovely sites and all of the Island’s beautiful countryside so we have produced also trail maps and lead guided walks to encourage everyone to get out and explore. These trail packs are free when you become a regular supporter.
Thanks to all of our supporters
All of this work is only possible with the help of our committed supporters and amazing network of volunteers. All donations enable us to continue our conservation work on the Isle of Wight.
Meet The Team

Chief Executive Graham Biss is the brains behind the outfit and manages not only Gift to Nature but the whole of Natural Enterprise and all its projects. Graham is passionate about the Isle of Wight, its communities, rural economy and countryside. He’s also pretty keen on football.

Danny is our Senior Ranger so you are most likely to find him out on one of our sites. If you see our ranger truck driving by, he’s the guy behind the wheel. Danny does a lot of work managing and supervising our fabulous volunteers who are out there loving our countryside in a very practical way.

Ranger Jon works with Danny and our team of volunteers managing the Gift to Nature sites.