The National Lottery Community Fund are funding Access for All – a new Gift to Nature project.
The aim of the project is to make all 31 Gift to Nature sites more accessible and fulfilling for everyone to enjoy. An important first step has been the appointment of a Gift to Nature Engagement Officer.
Graham Biss, Managing Director of Natural Enterprise who manage the Gift to Nature sites said:
“ Many of the Gift to Nature sites are relatively small but no less important to their local community, as custodians of the sites we are keen for everyone to benefit from them. Key to the success of this project will be the improvements to the individual sites and the appointment of a person to work with local people to develop and deliver a range of activities and volunteering opportunities. We also understand not everyone can visit our sites so we intend to create a “Nature at Home” sensory experience. This initiative would not have been possible without the support of the National Lottery Community Fund Reaching Communities”.
People will be able to get involved with this project in a range of ways to include volunteering to help maintain the Gift to Nature sites, use of the sites for exercise or just to visit and enjoy the natural environment.
Natural Enterprise is keen to help increase the awareness of the important role the natural environment plays in everyone’s health and wellbeing and to provide the confidence for people to explore more of the Gift to Nature sites. If you would like more information about this project or Gift to Nature please contact Natural Enterprise on (01983) 296244 or email [email protected]